This level of blood pressure is when readings consistently range from 120-129 systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic. Keep up heart-healthy habits, follow a balanced diet, and exercise regularly. The diastolic reading is when you hear no sound again, which means the blood flow is back to normal.īlood pressure numbers of less than 120/80 are considered within the normal range.

That point becomes reading your blood pressure systolic. As the pressure is released from the bladder, you will hear the blood flowing again. The stethoscope is used to listen for the sound of the heartbeat, and no sound indicates no flow. This inflation will stop the blood flow in your arteries. When the bulb is pumped, it inflates the bladder inside the cuff wrapped around your arm.

The sphygmomanometer has a bladder, cuff, bulb, and gauge. Typically, they take the reading above your elbow. Healthcare professionals use a stethoscope and a manual sphygmomanometer to measure your blood pressure. You can calculate your predicted maximum heart rate by using the calculation: 220 - (age) = Age Predicted Maximum Heart Rate - or see our Target Heart Rate Calculator and Chart. Check what your heart rate for your age should be. Blood pressure measurement is NOT the same as your heart rate (pulse) or maximum heart rate measurement. When the measurements are written, both are written as one above or before, the other with the systolic being the first number, for example, 120/75 (120 over 75).